Monday, February 6, 2017

DIY Magnolia Wreath

I LOVE the Magnolia wreaths that have been circulating the web lately but couldn't justify spending $100 on one! So I set out to my favorite store to see if I could make my own. 

I got lucky the day I went into Hobby Lobby, she had just set out all the magnolia leaves, I grabbed what I needed and headed home to see how it would turn out.

To my surprise, it came out BEAUTIFUL! I was so happy with it I headed back to Hobby Lobby the next day to get more leaves so I could make a few...all the leaves were GONE!! In one day!! So needless to say, go on a Friday about 1pm when they are finished stocking the shelves and make sure you get all you need because they wont be there next time!!

Wood stick wreath
Magnolia leaf bundles (x2 but you wont use them all)
Hot glue gun
String or ribbon

Start by pulling the leaves off of the stems, they come off super easy with no cutting required.

Then place the leaves in a circular pattern, I did two circle "rows" and then filled in where I thought looked bare.
I stuck a few leaves with no hot glue to start the pattern then went back and hot glued them in place. This really didn't take long at all!

Once your done tie some ribbon or string and hang!


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