Monday, February 27, 2017

Framed Shiplap

Two words... FRAMED SHIPLAP!! This is probably my favorite DIY to date...actually, no it IS my favorite DIY! I just couldn't commit to doing an entire wall shiplap, I know I'd love it but its just so..permanent! So I headed to hobby lobby to see what I could do to make this happen. I went to the clearance section because they always have frames deeply marked down. I found a frame and had sticker shock at the price it used to be and now was...$175.50 down to $17.50!?!? That is crazy!! After I came down from my shock, I decided it would be perfect and 
now here we are! I just love it!

Frame (any kind, you can paint anything :)
Paint (I used chalk paint)
White paint
Wood glue
Words you want to use
Black Acrylic Paint

If needed, paint your frame. This chalkpaint was pretty thin and chipped easily so I had to do a few coats. I then took the frame to Lowes with me to figure out what kind of ship lap I needed. I would suggest not painting the frame first if your going to take the frame to Lowes with can only imagine the chips I had when I got home!!

The boards I purchased were "craft boards" and were a little pricey. The cutting saw they have at Lowes was broken otherwise I would of had them cut plywood into strips.

I painted the boards with flat white latex paint, its just what I had left over from other projects

Once they were dry I started with the words. I printed my words out and just cut them down. I placed them where I wanted them, I then  traced the letters with a pencil pressing hard so it left an indention in the wood. Then I just ran my pencil over the indention's so I could see where to paint.

I used regular black acrylic paint and a thin paint brush to "color" in my letters. This is not going to be perfect, nor is it easy but it looks great once your done.

After all that dried I started placing the boards onto the frame. It was tricky trying to space them out but once I got them where I wanted, I lifted one board up at a time and started to glue them down.

The glue HAS to dry over night, I tried to pick it up 45 mins later and my boards all slide down so make sure you let it dry!

I hope this tutorial was helpful! Please follow me on instagram and tag me in your pictures! @thewindinghollow

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